.. _compare: ================================================================================ Percona Server for MongoDB Feature Comparison ================================================================================ |PSMDB| |version| is based on `MongoDB 5.0 `_. |PSMDB| extends MongoDB Community Edition to include the functionality that is otherwise only available in MongoDB Enterprise Edition. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 * - - PSMDB - MongoDB * - Storage Engines - * WiredTiger_ (default) * :ref:`inmemory` - * WiredTiger_ (default) * In-Memory_ (Enterprise only) * - Encryption-at-Rest - * Key server = Hashicorp Vault * Fully open source - * Key server = KMIP * Enterprise only * - :ref:`Hot Backup ` - YES (replica set) - NO * - LDAP Authentication - * Simple LDAP Auth * (legacy) :ref:`External SASL Authentication ` - * Enterprise only * Enterprise only * - LDAP Authorization - YES - Enterprise only * - Kerberos Authentication - YES - Enterprise only * - :ref:`Audit Logging ` - YES - Enterprise only * - Log redaction - YES - Enterprise only * - SNMP Monitoring - NO - Enterprise only Profiling Rate Limiting ----------------------- Profiling Rate Limiting was added to |PSMDB| in v3.4 with the ``--rateLimit`` argument. Since v3.6, MongoDB Community (and Enterprise) Edition includes a similar option slowOpSampleRate_. Please see :ref:`rate-limit` for more information. .. _slowOpSampleRate: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongod/index.html#cmdoption-mongod-slowopsamplerate