.. _dochome: ================================================================================ Percona Server for MongoDB |version| Documentation ================================================================================ |PSMDB| is a free, enhanced, fully compatible, source available, drop-in replacement for MongoDB |version| Community Edition with enterprise-grade features. It requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code. .. hint:: To see which version of |PSMDB| you are using check the value of the ``psmdbVersion`` key in the output of the `buildInfo `_ database command. If this key does not exist, |PSMDB| is not installed on the server. |PSMDB| provides the following features: - MongoDB's default WiredTiger_ engine - :ref:`inmemory` storage engine - :ref:`psmdb.data-at-rest-encryption` - :ref:`External SASL authentication ` using OpenLDAP or Active Directory - :ref:`Audit logging ` to track and query database interactions of users or applications - :ref:`hot-backup` for the default WiredTiger_ - :ref:`rate-limit` to decrease the impact of the profiler on performance To learn more about the features, available in |PSMDB|, see :ref:`compare` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Percona Server for MongoDB ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Feature Comparison Installation ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :titlesonly: install/index Features ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :titlesonly: inmemory hot-backup rate-limit authentication authorization audit-logging log-redaction data-at-rest-encryption ngram-full-text-search How to ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Enable authentication Set up LDAP authentication using SASL Set up LDAP authentication and authorization using NativeLDAP Switch storage engines Tune parameters Upgrade Percona Server for MongoDB Perform a major upgrade of Percona Server for MongoDB from 4.4 to 5.0 Uninstall Percona Server for MongoDB Release Notes ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 release_notes/index Reference ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 contact glossary copyright trademark-policy .. include:: .res/replace.txt