.. _docker: ================================================================================ Running |PSMDB| in a Docker Container ================================================================================ Docker images of |PSMDB| are hosted publicly on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/r/percona/percona-server-mongodb/. For more information about using Docker, see the `Docker Docs`_. .. note:: Make sure that you are using the latest version of Docker. The ones provided via ``apt`` and ``yum`` may be outdated and cause errors. .. note:: By default, Docker will pull the image from Docker Hub if it is not available locally. To run the latest |PSMDB| |version| in a Docker container, use the following command: |tip.run-this.root| .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -d --name psmdb --restart always \ percona/percona-server-mongodb:5.0 The previous command does the following: * The ``docker run`` command instructs the ``docker`` daemon to run a container from an image. * The ``-d`` option starts the container in detached mode (that is, in the background). * The ``--name`` option assigns a custom name for the container that you can use to reference the container within a Docker network. In this case: ``psmdb``. * The ``--restart`` option defines the container's restart policy. Setting it to ``always`` ensures that the Docker daemon will start the container on startup and restart it if the container exits. * ``percona/percona-server-mongodb:5.0`` is the name and version tag of the image to derive the container from. .. seealso:: |docker| Documentation: the full list of tags https://hub.docker.com/r/percona/percona-server-mongodb/tags/ Connecting from Another Docker Container ================================================================================ The |PSMDB| container exposes standard MongoDB port (27017), which can be used for connection from an application running in another container. To link the application container to the ``psmdb`` container, use the ``--link psmdb`` option when running the container with your app. Connecting with the Mongo Shell ================================================================================ To start another container with the ``mongo`` shell that connects to your |PSMDB| container, run the following comand: :bash:`docker run -it --link psmdb --rm percona/percona-server-mongodb:mongo mongo -h psmdb` .. include:: ../.res/replace.txt .. include:: ../.res/url.txt