.. _install: ===================================== Installing Percona Server for MongoDB ===================================== Percona provides installation packages of |PSMDB| for the most 64-bit Linux distributions. Find the full list of supported platforms on the `Percona Software and Platform Lifecycle `_ page. The recommended installation method is from |percona| repositories. Follow the links below for the installation instructions for your operating system. - :ref:`Install on Debian or Ubuntu ` - :ref:`Install on RHEL or CentOS ` Alternative Install Instructions ================================================================================ You can also download packages from the `Percona website`_ and install them manually using :command:`dpkg` or :command:`rpm`. .. note:: In this case, you will have to make sure that all dependencies are satisfied. If you want more control over the installation, you can :ref:`install Percona Server for MongoDB from binary tarballs `. .. note:: This method is for advanced users with specific needs that are not addressed by DEB and RPM packages. If you want to run |PSMDB| in a Docker container, see :ref:`docker`. Upgrade Instructions ================================================================================ If you are currently using MongoDB, see :ref:`Upgrading from MongoDB `. If you are running an earlier version of |PSMDB|, see :ref:`Upgrading from Version 4.4 `. Uninstall Instructions ================================================================================ To uninstall |PSMDB|, see :ref:`uninstall`. .. toctree:: :hidden: Install on Debian or Ubuntu Install on RHEL or CentOS Install from Binary Tarball Run in a Docker Container .. include:: ../.res/url.txt