.. _upgrade_from_44: Upgrading from |PSMDB| |prev-version| to |version| ================================================================================ To upgrade |PSMDB| to version |version|, you must be running version |prev-version|. Upgrades from earlier versions are not supported. Before upgrading your production |PSMDB| deployments, test all your applications in a testing environment to make sure they are compatible with the new version. For more information, see `Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 5.0 `_ The general procedure for performing an in-place upgrade (where your existing data and configuration files are preserved) includes the following steps: 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance #. Enable |percona| repository for |PSMDB| |version| #. Install new packages. Old packages are considered obsolete and automatically removed #. Start the ``mongod`` instance It is recommended to upgrade |PSMDB| from official |percona| repositories using the `percona-release `_ tool and the corresponding package manager for your system. For more information, see :ref:`install`. .. warning:: Perform a full backup of your data and configuration files before upgrading. .. tabs:: .. tab:: Upgrading on Debian or Ubuntu 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop mongod #. Enable |percona| repository for |PSMDB| |version|: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo percona-release enable psmdb-50 #. Update the local cache: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt update #. Install |PSMDB| |version| packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt install percona-server-mongodb #. Start the ``mongod`` instance: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl start mongod For more information, see :ref:`apt`. .. tab:: Upgrading on RHEL and CentOS 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop mongod #. Enable |percona| repository for |PSMDB| |version|: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo percona-release enable psmdb-50 #. Install |PSMDB| |version| packages: .. code-block::bash $ sudo yum install percona-server-mongodb #. Start the ``mongod`` instance: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl start mongod For more information, see :ref:`yum`. .. include:: ../.res/text/enable_features.txt .. include:: ../.res/replace.txt .. include:: ../.res/replace.program.txt