.. _upgrade_psmdb: ================================================================================ Upgrading |PSMDB| ================================================================================ An in-place upgrade is done with existing data in the server. Generally speaking, this is stopping the ``mongod`` service, removing the old packages, installing the new server and starting it with the same db data directory. An in-place upgrade is suitable for most environments, except the ones that use ephemeral storage and/or host addresses. This document provides upgrade instructions for the following use cases: * :ref:`upgrade_from_mongodb`; * :ref:`minor_upgrade` .. _upgrade_from_mongodb: Upgrading from |mongodb-ce| ================================================================================ .. note:: MongoDB creates a user that belongs to two groups, which is a potential security risk. This is fixed in |PSMDB|: the user is included only in the ``mongod`` group. To avoid problems with current MongoDB setups, existing user group membership is not changed when you migrate to |PSMDB|. Instead, a new ``mongod`` user is created during installation, and it belongs to the ``mongod`` group. This section describes an in-place upgrade of a ``mongod`` instance. If you are using data at rest encryption, refer to the :ref:`upgrade_encryption` section. Prerequisites ------------- Before you start the upgrade, update the |mongodb| configuration file (:file:`/etc/mongod.conf`) to contain the following settings. .. code-block:: yaml processManagement: fork: true pidFilePath: /var/run/mongod.pid **Troubleshooting tip**: The ``pidFilePath`` setting in :file:`mongod.conf` must match the ``PIDFile`` option in the ``systemd mongod`` service unit. Otherwise, the service will kill the ``mongod`` process after a timeout. .. warning:: Before starting the upgrade, we recommend to perform a full backup of your data. .. tabs:: .. tab:: Upgrading on Debian or Ubuntu 1. Stop the ``mongod`` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop mongod #. Check for installed packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dpkg -l | grep mongod .. admonition:: Output .. code-block:: text ii mongodb-org 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB open source document-oriented database system (metapackage) ii mongodb-org-database 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB open source document-oriented database system (metapackage) ii mongodb-org-database-tools-extra 5.0.2 amd64 Extra MongoDB database tools ii mongodb-org-mongos 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB sharded cluster query router ii mongodb-org-server 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB database server ii mongodb-org-shell 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB shell client ii mongodb-org-tools 5.0.2 amd64 MongoDB tools #. Remove the installed packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt remove \ mongodb-org \ mongodb-org-mongos \ mongodb-org-server \ mongodb-org-shell \ mongodb-org-tools #. Remove log files: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb #. Install |PSMDB| :ref:`using apt `. #. Verify that the configuration file includes the correct options. For example, |PSMDB| stores data files in :file:`/var/lib/mongodb` by default. If you used another ``dbPath`` data directory, edit the configuration file accordingly #. Start the ``mongod`` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl mongod start .. tab:: Upgrading on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 1. Stop the ``mongod`` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop mongod #. Check for installed packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo rpm -qa | grep mongo .. admonition:: Output .. code-block:: text mongodb-org-shell-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 mongodb-org-database-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 mongodb-org-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 mongodb-database-tools-100.4.1-1.x86_64 mongodb-org-server-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 mongodb-org-mongos-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 mongodb-org-tools-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 #. Remove the installed packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo yum remove \ mongodb-org-tools-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 \ mongodb-org-shell-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 \ mongodb-org-database-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 \ mongodb-org-5.0.0-1.el8.x86_64 \ mongodb-database-tools-100.4.1-1.x86_64 \ mongodb-org-server-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 \ mongodb-org-mongos-5.0.2-1.el8.x86_64 \ #. Remove log files: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb #. Install Percona Server for MongoDB :ref:`using yum `. .. note:: When you remove old packages, your existing configuration file is saved as :file:`/etc/mongod.conf.rpmsave`. If you want to use this configuration with the new version, replace the default :file:`/etc/mongod.conf` file. For example, existing data may not be compatible with the default WiredTiger storage engine. # Start the ``mongod`` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl start mongod To upgrade a replica set or a sharded cluster, use the :term:`rolling restart ` method. It allows you to perform the upgrade with minimum downtime. You upgrade the nodes one by one, while the whole cluster / replica set remains operational. .. seealso:: |mongodb| Documentation: - `Upgrade a Replica Set `_ - `Upgrade a Sharded Cluster `_ .. _minor_upgrade: Minor upgrade of |PSMDB| ======================== To upgrade |PSMDB| to the latest version, follow these steps: 1. Stop the `mongod` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop mongod #. Install the latest version packages. Use the command relevant to your operating system. .. tabs:: .. tab:: On Debian and Ubuntu: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt install percona-server-mongodb .. tab:: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo yum install percona-server-mongodb #. Start the `mongod` service: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl start mongod To upgrade a replica set or a sharded cluster, use the :term:`rolling restart ` method. It allows you to perform the upgrade with minimum downtime. You upgrade the nodes one by one, while the whole cluster / replica set remains operational. .. _upgrade_encryption: Upgrading to |PSMDB| with data at rest encryption enabled ========================================================= Steps to upgrade from |mongodb-ce| with data encryption enabled to |PSMDB| are different. ``mongod`` requires an empty ``dbPath`` data directory because it cannot encrypt data files in place. It must receive data from other replica set members during the initial sync. Please refer to the :ref:`switch_storage_engines` for more information on migration of encrypted data. `Contact us `_ for working at the detailed migration steps, if further assistance is needed. .. include:: ../.res/replace.txt .. include:: ../.res/replace.program.txt